Definition of wearily


mệt mỏi


The word "wearily" has its roots in Old English. It comes from the two words "wær" meaning "weary" and the suffix "-ly" which forms an adverb. In Modern English, "wearily" is an adverb that means "in a tired or exhausted manner" or "with a feeling of fatigue."


in a way that shows somebody is very tired

theo cách cho thấy ai đó rất mệt mỏi

  • He closed his eyes wearily.

    Anh nhắm mắt lại một cách mệt mỏi.

in a way that shows somebody is annoyed and bored because they have had to do something, hear something, explain something, etc. many times

theo cách cho thấy ai đó đang khó chịu và buồn chán vì họ phải làm gì đó, nghe gì đó, giải thích điều gì đó, v.v. nhiều lần

  • ‘Yes, yes, I know,’ she said wearily.

    "Vâng, vâng, tôi biết," cô mệt mỏi nói.