Definition of wavelength


bước sóng


The word "wavelength" originated in the study of light and other electromagnetic waves. It combines "wave" - a concept used to describe the periodic oscillation of a disturbance - with "length" - referring to the spatial distance between two successive crests or troughs of a wave. The concept was introduced in the 19th century as scientists began to understand the wave-like nature of light and its different colors as different wavelengths. The term "wavelength" then extended to other types of waves like sound and radio waves.


the distance between two similar points on a wave of energy, such as light or sound

khoảng cách giữa hai điểm giống nhau trên một sóng năng lượng, chẳng hạn như ánh sáng hoặc âm thanh

the size of a radio wave that is used by a particular radio station, etc. for sending signals or broadcasting programmes

kích thước của sóng vô tuyến được sử dụng bởi một đài phát thanh cụ thể, v.v. để gửi tín hiệu hoặc chương trình phát sóng

  • Radio One has broadcast on this wavelength for years.

    Radio One đã phát sóng trên bước sóng này trong nhiều năm.


be on the same wavelength | be on somebody’s wavelength
(informal)to have the same way of thinking or the same ideas or feelings as somebody else
  • We work together but we aren’t really on the same wavelength.
  • My boss and I are just not on the same wavelength.