Definition of wakeful


thức dậy


"Wakeful" traces its roots back to the Old English word "wæcan," meaning "to watch, to keep awake." This is related to the verb "wake," which comes from the same source. Over time, "wæcan" transformed into "wake," and the adjective form "wakeful" emerged, signifying the state of being awake or vigilant. It's worth noting that "wakeful" implies a state of alertness and consciousness, while "awake" simply denotes the absence of sleep. This subtle difference in meaning contributes to the nuanced usage of both words.


not sleeping; unable to sleep

không ngủ; không ngủ được

  • He lay wakeful all night.

    Anh nằm thao thức suốt đêm.

Related words and phrases

spent with little or no sleep

ngủ rất ít hoặc không ngủ

  • She had spent many wakeful nights worrying about him.

    Cô đã mất nhiều đêm thức trắng để lo lắng cho anh.

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