Definition of visitation


sự thăm viếng


The word "visitation" originally comes from the Middle English word "visite," meaning "a coming or going to see someone." This word itself derives from the Latin "visitātiō," which refers to the act of inspecting or being present somewhere. In its oldest religious context, the word "visitation" refers to the biblical story of St. Elizabeth's pregnancy and Mary's visit to her cousin. This event is recorded in the Gospel of Luke as the "Visitació" in the Vulgate Latin Bible, which is still commonly used during Catholic Masses. As a religious term, "visitation" also refers to a priest, bishop, or other representative of the Christian church who is sent to a particular place, often to offer sacraments or minister to a congregation in need. Over time, "visitation" has also come to describe personal or spiritual encounters with the divine, such as religious epiphanies or the presence of the Holy Spirit. In Catholic tradition, "visitation" is a devotional practice that encourages women to follow in Mary's footsteps by visiting pregnant women, offering spiritual guidance, and sharing resources. This practice, which is also known as the "Visitatio Regina," was popularized in the 19th century as a way to support women experiencing pregnancy and childbirth outside of the church's traditional networks. Overall, the meaning of "visitation" continues to expand and evolve over time, encompassing a range of interpersonal, spiritual, and religious contexts.


the right of a parent who is divorced or separated from his or her partner to visit a child who is living with the partner

quyền của cha/mẹ đã ly hôn hoặc ly thân với người bạn đời của mình được thăm con cái đang sống chung với người bạn đời của mình

  • She is seeking more liberal visitation with her daughter.

    Cô ấy đang tìm kiếm chuyến thăm tự do hơn với con gái mình.

  • visitation rights

    quyền thăm viếng

Related words and phrases

an official visit, especially to check that rules are being obeyed and everything is as it should be

một chuyến thăm chính thức, đặc biệt là để kiểm tra xem các quy tắc có được tuân thủ hay không và mọi thứ đều diễn ra như bình thường

an unexpected appearance of something, for example a ghost

sự xuất hiện bất ngờ của một cái gì đó, ví dụ như một con ma

a disaster that is believed to be a punishment from God

một thảm họa được cho là sự trừng phạt của Chúa

  • a visitation of plague

    một chuyến viếng thăm của bệnh dịch hạch