Definition of viability


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The word "viability" has its roots in the Latin "vita," meaning "life." In the 15th century, the term "viability" emerged in English to describe the quality of being alive or in a state of being able to grow or flourish. Initially, it was used in the context of botany, referring to the ability of a plant to survive and thrive. Over time, the term expanded to encompass conceptually similar ideas, such as the ability of an organism or a system to continue existing and functioning effectively. Today, "viability" is commonly used in fields like medicine, business, and environmental science to describe the potential for something to survive, grow, or succeed. Despite its varied applications, the word remains rooted in its original meaning, tied to the concept of life and the pursuit of thriving.


the fact that something can be done and can be successful

thực tế là một cái gì đó có thể được thực hiện và có thể thành công

  • There are doubts about the commercial viability of the newspaper.

    Có nhiều nghi ngờ về khả năng thương mại của tờ báo.

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the fact that something is capable of developing and surviving independently

thực tế là một cái gì đó có khả năng phát triển và tồn tại một cách độc lập

  • the viability of the fetus

    khả năng sống của thai nhi