Definition of sustainability


tính bền vững


The term "sustainability" originated in the field of forestry in the late 18th century. The German forester Hans Carl von Carlowitz coined the term "Nachhaltigkeit" in 1713, which translates to "sustainability" or "perpetuation." Carlowitz used this term to describe the practice of logging and managing forests in a way that ensured their perpetuation for future generations. The concept of sustainability was later adopted by other fields, including ecology, economics, and environmental studies, where it referred to the ability of a system to maintain its natural resources, ecosystem services, and social structures over time. In the 1980s, the word "sustainability" gained widespread use and is now a fundamental principle of modern environmental and development policy.


the use of natural products and energy in a way that does not harm the environment

việc sử dụng các sản phẩm và năng lượng tự nhiên theo cách không gây hại cho môi trường

  • a company well-known for its commitment to environmental sustainability

    một công ty nổi tiếng với cam kết về tính bền vững của môi trường

the ability to continue or be continued for a long time

khả năng tiếp tục hoặc được tiếp tục trong một thời gian dài

  • The strength and sustainability of the economic recovery is still in doubt.

    Sức mạnh và tính bền vững của sự phục hồi kinh tế vẫn còn đang bị nghi ngờ.