Definition of vain


tự phụ, tự đắc


Definition of undefined

The word "vain" has its origin in the Old French word "vain," which means "empty" or "fruitless." This Old French word is derived from the Latin word "vānus," which also means "empty" or "void." In Latin, "vānus" is the opposite of "plēnus," meaning "full" or "complete." The Latin word "vānus" is thought to be related to the Proto-Indo-European root "wē-" or "wel-," which carries a sense of "void" or "hollowness." In English, the meaning of "vain" expanded to include the idea of "unproductive" or "fruitless," as well as "proud" or "arrogant." Today, the word "vain" is often used to describe something that is pointless or unsuccessful, as well as someone who is excessively proud or arrogant.


that does not produce the result you want

điều đó không mang lại kết quả như bạn mong muốn

  • She closed her eyes tightly in a vain attempt to hold back the tears.

    Cô nhắm chặt mắt cố gắng kìm lại những giọt nước mắt.

  • I knocked loudly in the vain hope that someone might answer.

    Tôi gõ cửa thật to với hy vọng hão huyền rằng sẽ có ai đó trả lời.

  • The government spent billions in a vain bid to prop up the currency.

    Chính phủ đã chi hàng tỷ USD vào một nỗ lực vô ích để hỗ trợ đồng tiền.

Related words and phrases

too proud of your own appearance, abilities or achievements

quá tự hào về ngoại hình, khả năng hoặc thành tích của bản thân

  • She's too vain to wear glasses.

    Cô ấy quá vô dụng để đeo kính.

Extra examples:
  • Their flattery made him vain.

    Sự tâng bốc của họ khiến anh trở nên vô ích.

  • very vain about his looks

    rất tự hào về vẻ ngoài của mình

  • He's so vain!

    Anh ta thật là phù phiếm!

  • I don't think it's vain to care about how you look.

    Tôi không nghĩ việc quan tâm đến vẻ ngoài của bạn là vô ích.

Related words and phrases

Related words and phrases


in vain
without success
  • They tried in vain to persuade her to go.
  • She waited in vain for her son to return.
  • All our efforts were in vain.
  • take somebody’s name in vain
    (humorous)to show a lack of respect when using somebody’s name or when talking about them
  • Have you been taking my name in vain again?
  • to take the Lord's name in vain