Definition of unsteadiness


sự không ổn định


The word "unsteadiness" has its roots in the 15th century. It is derived from the Old English words "un-" meaning "not" and "stead" meaning "a standing place" or "firmness". The word "unsteadiness" was initially used to describe something that was not firm or steady, such as a unsteady surface or an unsteady person. Over time, the meaning of the word expanded to include emotional or mental states, such as fear, anxiety, or uncertainty, that can cause a person to be uncertain or unsteady in their thinking or behavior. Today, the word "unsteadiness" is often used to describe a sense of instability or lack of confidence that can affect an individual's ability to make decisions or achieve their goals. Despite its negative connotations, the word "unsteadiness" has played an important role in the development of many ideas and emotions in human history, and continues to be a relevant and useful term in modern language.


the fact of not being completely in control of your movements so that you might fall

thực tế là không hoàn toàn kiểm soát được chuyển động của mình nên bạn có thể bị ngã

  • his unsteadiness when walking

    sự không vững vàng của anh ấy khi đi bộ

the fact of shaking and lacking control

thực tế run rẩy và thiếu kiểm soát

  • the unsteadiness of her voice

    sự không ổn định của giọng nói của cô ấy