Definition of unnaturally


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The word "unnaturally" has its roots in Latin. The Latin term "naturalis" means "by nature" or "native," and its antonym "unnaturalis" means "contrary to nature." The word "unnatural" entered the English language in the 14th century and initially meant "contrary to nature" or "abnormal." Over time, the meaning of "unnatural" expanded to include the concept of morality, with "unnatural" referring to something that goes against societal norms or moral codes. In the 17th century, the prefix "un-" was added to "natural," giving rise to the word "unnaturally." Today, "unnaturally" is commonly used to describe something that seems artificial, forced, or abnormal, often with a negative connotation. For example, "The company's decision to replace human workers with robots seemed unnaturally hasty."


in a way that is different from what is normal or expected

theo cách khác với bình thường hoặc mong đợi

  • She was, not unnaturally, very surprised at the news.

    Không có gì ngạc nhiên khi cô ấy rất ngạc nhiên trước tin tức này.

  • The room seemed unnaturally quiet.

    Căn phòng có vẻ yên tĩnh một cách bất thường.

in a way that is different from anything in nature

theo một cách khác biệt so với bất cứ thứ gì trong tự nhiên

  • His eyes were unnaturally bright.

    Đôi mắt của anh ấy sáng một cách khác thường.

  • She spoke in an unnaturally high voice.

    Cô ấy nói bằng giọng cao một cách bất thường.