Definition of unadulterated


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"Unadulterated" originates from the Latin word "adulterare," meaning "to corrupt" or "to make impure." The prefix "un-" negates this meaning, creating "unadulterated" which signifies "not corrupted" or "pure." The word was first used in English in the 16th century and has since become a common term to express something free from impurities, additions, or modifications. It often emphasizes authenticity, genuineness, and the absence of any artificiality.


you use unadulterated to emphasize that something is complete or total

bạn sử dụng không pha trộn để nhấn mạnh rằng một cái gì đó đã hoàn thành hoặc toàn bộ

  • For me, the holiday was sheer unadulterated pleasure.

    Đối với tôi, kỳ nghỉ là niềm vui tuyệt đối.

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not mixed with other substances; not adulterated

không pha trộn với các chất khác; không bị tạp nhiễm

  • unadulterated foods

    thực phẩm không pha trộn

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