Definition of twilight


Hoàng hôn


The word "twilight" has its roots in Old English. It is derived from the words "twa" meaning "two" and "scīte" meaning "wake" or "vigil". The term originally referred to the time of day when the sun was between being asleep (under the horizon) and awake (above the horizon), literally the two wakes of day and night. Over time, the term "twilight" took on a broader meaning to describe the period of time between dawn and sunrise, as well as between sunset and dusk. In modern usage, the word often connotes a sense of ambiguity, as it is a time when the light is neither fully day nor fully night, creating an atmosphere of mystery and uncertainty.


the small amount of light or the period of time at the end of the day after the sun has gone down

lượng ánh sáng nhỏ hoặc khoảng thời gian vào cuối ngày sau khi mặt trời lặn

  • It was hard to see him clearly in the twilight.

    Thật khó để nhìn rõ anh ta trong ánh chạng vạng.

  • We went for a walk along the beach at twilight.

    Chúng tôi đi dạo dọc bãi biển lúc chạng vạng.

Extra examples:
  • She stared into the gathering twilight.

    Cô nhìn chằm chằm vào cảnh hoàng hôn đang buông xuống.

  • They gazed up at the twilight sky.

    Họ nhìn lên bầu trời chạng vạng.

  • in the twilight hour before dawn

    vào lúc chạng vạng trước bình minh

  • These animals are most active during the hours of twilight around dawn and dusk.

    Những con vật này hoạt động mạnh nhất vào lúc chạng vạng, khoảng bình minh và hoàng hôn.

Related words and phrases

the final stage of something when it becomes weaker or less important than it was

giai đoạn cuối cùng của một cái gì đó khi nó trở nên yếu hơn hoặc ít quan trọng hơn nó

  • She was in the twilight of her career by then.

    Lúc đó sự nghiệp của cô đang ở giai đoạn chạng vạng.

  • He spent his twilight years (= the last years of his life) living with his daughter in Bristol.

    Ông đã trải qua những năm tháng chạng vạng (= những năm cuối đời) sống cùng con gái ở Bristol.


have/want none of something
to refuse to accept something
  • I offered to pay but he was having none of it.
  • They pretended to be enthusiastic about my work but then suddenly decided they wanted none of it.
  • none but
  • None but he knew the truth.
  • none the less
    despite this fact
    none other than
    used to emphasize who or what somebody/something is, when this is surprising
  • Her first customer was none other than Mrs Obama.