Definition of trooper


quân nhân


"Trooper" originated from the Old French word "troupe," meaning "group" or "company." Originally, it referred to a group of soldiers, particularly mounted cavalry. This use evolved to refer to individual cavalry soldiers, and eventually expanded to include all soldiers, regardless of branch. Today, it's often used as a respectful term for any police officer or soldier, emphasizing their strength and courage.


a soldier of low rank in the part of an army that uses tanks or horses

một người lính cấp bậc thấp trong quân đội sử dụng xe tăng hoặc ngựa

  • He was a cavalry trooper before being injured at the battle of Corunna.

    Anh ta là một kỵ binh trước khi bị thương trong trận Corunna.

(in the US) a member of a State police force

(ở Mỹ) thành viên của lực lượng cảnh sát bang


swear like a trooper
(old-fashioned, British English)to often use very rude or offensive language