Definition of towel


khăn tắm, khăn lau


Definition of undefined

The word "towel" originates from the Old French word "touel," which referred to a cloth or cloth goods. This term was derived from the Latin word "tomentum," meaning "a woolen cloth." The Latin word is also the source of the modern English word "tomentum," meaning "fleece" or "wool." The term "towel" was first used in the 14th century to refer to a cloth used for drying the body after bathing or swimming. Over time, the word evolved to encompass a wide range of absorbent textiles used for drying, cleaning, and other purposes. In the late 18th century, the phrase "towel and toilet" emerged, referring to a set of linen goods that included a towel, washcloth, and soap. This phrase was eventually shortened to simply "towel," solidifying its place in the English language.


to admit that you have been defeated and stop trying

thừa nhận rằng bạn đã bị đánh bại và ngừng cố gắng

  • We're not going to throw in the towel just because we lost one game.

    Chúng tôi sẽ không đầu hàng chỉ vì thua một trận.

to throw a towel into the ring as a sign that you admit that you have been defeated

ném một chiếc khăn vào võ đài như một dấu hiệu cho thấy bạn thừa nhận rằng mình đã bị đánh bại

  • His corner threw in the towel near the end of the tenth round.

    Quả phạt góc của anh ấy đã ném chiếc khăn vào gần cuối hiệp thứ mười.