Definition of thicket


bụi rậm


The word "thicket" originated from the Old English word "þætuc" which means "thorny-place" or "place filled with thorny bushes". The term "thorny-place" refers to overgrown areas infested with thorny shrubs and bushes that hinder movement and obstruct vision. The word "thick" in "thicket" derives from the Old English word "þic" which means "thick" or "compact", describing the close-packed clusters of vegetation in these dense, overgrown areas. The extended meaning of thicket beyond being specific to thorny places can be traced back to the Middle English period (1100-1500). Today, "thicket" is commonly used to describe dense vegetation, ranging from shrubs and thickets to small forests and undergrowth.


a group of bushes or small trees growing closely together

một nhóm bụi cây hoặc cây nhỏ mọc sát nhau

  • a dense thicket of bamboo

    một bụi tre rậm rạp

a large number of things that are not easy to understand or separate

một số lượng lớn những điều không dễ hiểu hoặc tách biệt

  • He spent the morning trying to work his way through a thicket of statistics.

    Anh dành cả buổi sáng để cố gắng tìm hiểu một đống số liệu thống kê.