Definition of terminate


chấm dứt


The word "terminate" derives from the Latin verb "terminare," which means "to mark the boundary or limit of." This verb, in turn, is composed of the prefix "ter" (meaning "boundary") and the verb "minare" (meaning "to mark"). In Latin, the noun form of "terminare" is "terminus," which refers to a boundary or limit. In Middle English, the word "terminen" (meaning "to define the boundaries of a land") borrowed the etymology of "terminare" and "terminus." In Early Modern English, "terminate" began to take on a different meaning, referring to the act of ending or bringing to a close. It's possible that this new sense of the word was influenced by the Latin-derived verb "terminare," which, in legal contexts, came to mean "to mark the end of" or "to bring to a close." Today, "terminate" is commonly used in English, both in legal and non-legal contexts, to refer to the act of ending or bringing to a close. Its Latin roots are still evident in its meaning, as it implicitly carries the sense of marking a boundary or limit in the act of ending something.


to end; to make something end

kết thúc ; làm cho cái gì đó kết thúc

  • Your contract of employment terminates in December.

    Hợp đồng lao động của bạn chấm dứt vào tháng 12.

  • The agreement was terminated immediately.

    Thỏa thuận đã bị chấm dứt ngay lập tức.

  • to terminate a pregnancy (= to perform or have an abortion)

    chấm dứt thai kỳ (= thực hiện hoặc phá thai)

Extra examples:
  • His contract was abruptly terminated.

    Hợp đồng của anh ấy bị chấm dứt đột ngột.

  • The agreement was lawfully terminated under clause 34.

    Thỏa thuận đã được chấm dứt hợp pháp theo điều khoản 34.

  • This federal intervention effectively terminated the strike.

    Sự can thiệp của liên bang này đã chấm dứt hiệu quả cuộc đình công.

to end a journey

kết thúc một cuộc hành trình

  • This train terminates at London Victoria.

    Chuyến tàu này dừng ở London Victoria.

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