Definition of tentacle




The word "tentacle" originated from the Latin word "tentaculum," which roughly translates to "little tent." This term was coined by the Roman naturalist Pliny the Elder in the first century AD to describe the appendages of certain marine creatures, such as octopuses and cuttlefish. Pliny's use of the term "tentaculum" was influenced by the semantic roots of the Latin word "tentare," which means "to stretch out" or "to feel the way." This etymological connection likely reflects the fact that tentacles are used by many marine invertebrates not only for locomotion but also for sensing and capturing prey. The word "tentacle" gradually made its way into English during the 16th and 17th centuries, largely through the influence of Latin-derived scientific terminology. Today, "tentacle" is commonly used to refer to the long, flexible, often suction-cup covered appendages of various marine creatures, including cephalopods, jellyfish, and some annelid worms. However, the term "tentacle" also has broader cultural connotations beyond its use as a descriptive biological term. In literature and popular culture, tentacles have been employed in mythic and symbolic contexts, often in connection with themes of horror, fetishism, or sexuality. The intricate, writhing forms of cephalopod tentacles have also served as a potent source of imaginative inspiration for artists and designers alike.


a long, thin part of the body of some creatures, such as squid, used for feeling or holding things, for moving or for getting food

một phần cơ thể dài và mỏng của một số sinh vật, chẳng hạn như mực, được sử dụng để cảm nhận hoặc giữ đồ vật, để di chuyển hoặc để lấy thức ăn

the influence that a large place, organization or system has and that is hard to avoid

ảnh hưởng mà một địa điểm, tổ chức hoặc hệ thống rộng lớn có và điều đó khó tránh khỏi

  • The tentacles of satellite television are spreading even wider.

    Các xúc tu của truyền hình vệ tinh thậm chí còn lan rộng hơn.