Definition of teasingly


trêu chọc


The word "teasingly" has its roots in Old English and Old Norse. The verb "tease" itself comes from the Old English "tæsan", which means "to torment" or "to trouble". This sense of "toying" or "trifling" with someone's feelings or emotions is where the word "teasingly" originates. In the 15th century, the suffix "-ly" was added to create the adverb "teasingly", which means "in a manner that causes playful or gentle trouble" or "in a way that is meant to be playful but may be annoying". This sense of playful annoyance has remained a core connotation of the word, making "teasingly" a fun and engaging way to describe someone's behavior.


in a way that is intended to make somebody feel embarrassed, annoyed, etc.

theo cách nhằm mục đích khiến ai đó cảm thấy xấu hổ, khó chịu, v.v.

  • ‘Maybe, you’re just too old,’ she said teasingly.

    "Có lẽ là anh đã quá già rồi", cô trêu chọc nói.

in a way that suggests something and makes somebody want to know more

theo cách gợi ý điều gì đó và khiến ai đó muốn biết thêm

  • ‘I have no intention of selling my story…not yet, anyway,’ he said teasingly.

    'Tôi không có ý định bán câu chuyện của mình... ít nhất là chưa,' anh nói một cách trêu chọc.

in a way that is intended to make somebody sexually excited

theo cách có ý định làm cho ai đó bị kích thích tình dục

  • She ran her hands teasingly over his shoulders.

    Cô đưa tay trêu chọc trên vai anh.