Definition of tall




Definition of undefined

The word "tall" has its roots in Old English. The adjective "tæl" or "tal" meant "long" or "extended in length". It was often used to describe physical stature, and referred to people who were above average height. The word is also related to the Old Norse word "lán", which meant "long" or "stretching". By the Middle English period, the word "tall" had developed its modern meaning, referring to a person's physical height. However, it's worth noting that the word's meaning wasn't fixed until the 15th century, when European standards for human height began to emerge. In modern English, the word "tall" is used to describe not just physical height, but also buildings, objects, and even hairstyles that are exceptionally long or high. Despite its evolution, the word's origins remain rooted in Old English and Old Norse, reflecting the importance of physical stature in human perception and language.


having a greater than average height

có chiều cao lớn hơn mức trung bình

  • She's tall and thin.

    Cô ấy cao và ốm.

  • the tallest building in the world

    tòa nhà cao nhất thế giới

  • tall trees/chimneys

    cây cao/ống khói

  • a tall glass of iced tea

    một ly trà đá cao

  • He's grown taller since I last saw him.

    Anh ấy đã cao hơn kể từ lần cuối tôi nhìn thấy anh ấy.

Related words and phrases

used to describe or ask about the height of somebody/something

dùng để mô tả hoặc hỏi về chiều cao của ai/cái gì

  • How tall are you?

    Bạn cao bao nhiêu?

  • He's six feet tall and weighs 200 pounds.

    Anh ấy cao 6 feet và nặng 200 pound.


be a tall order
(informal)to be very difficult to do
great/tall oaks from little acorns grow
(saying)something large and successful often begins in a very small way
stand tall
(especially North American English)to show that you are proud and able to deal with anything
  • Suddenly he seemed to stand taller.
  • walk tall
    to feel proud and confident