Definition of take over

take oververb

chở, chuyển cái gì, tiếp quản, kế tục cái gì

Definition of undefined

The phrase "take over" is a combination of two common English verbs: "take" and "over". "Take" has been around for centuries, originally meaning "to seize" or "to grasp". "Over" is also an ancient word, meaning "above" or "on top of". The phrase "take over" emerged in the 18th century, initially referring to the act of physically taking control of something, like a ship or a territory. It later evolved to encompass the broader concept of assuming control or authority over something, be it a company, a task, or even a situation.


assume control of something

giả sử kiểm soát một cái gì đó

  • in 1938 the Nazis took over

    năm 1938, Đức Quốc xã tiếp quản

  • British troops had taken over the German trenches

    Quân đội Anh đã đánh chiếm các chiến hào của Đức

Related words and phrases

  • assume control of
  • take control of
  • gain control of
  • take charge of
  • take command of
  • assume responsibility for

transfer text to the next line.

chuyển văn bản sang dòng tiếp theo.