Definition of take action

take actionidiomatic

hành động

Definition of undefined

The phrase "take action" is a combination of two separate words with long histories. **"Take"** has its roots in Old English, meaning "to seize" or "to capture." It's a versatile verb with a wide range of meanings, including moving something from one place to another, participating in an activity, or acquiring something. **"Action"** also originates in Old English, meaning "deed" or "doing." It implies movement, effort, and a tangible result. The phrase "take action" emerged as a way to express the act of **taking control and doing something** in response to a situation or challenge. It emphasizes **purposeful action** and signifies a proactive approach to tackling a problem.


do something official or concerted to achieve an aim or deal with a problem

làm điều gì đó chính thức hoặc phối hợp để đạt được mục tiêu hoặc đối phó với một vấn đề

  • if there is a breach of regulations, we will take action

    nếu có vi phạm quy định, chúng tôi sẽ có biện pháp xử lý

  • he vowed to take tougher action against persistent offenders

    anh ta thề sẽ có hành động cứng rắn hơn đối với những kẻ phạm tội dai dẳng

Related words and phrases

  • act
  • take steps
  • take measures
  • take the initiative
  • move
  • make a move
  • react
  • do something