Definition of tailbone


xương cụt


The term "tailbone" has a fascinating history. The word "tailbone" is a common nickname for the coccyx, which is the bottommost part of the human spine. The term "tailbone" is believed to have originated in the 14th century, when the coccyx was thought to resemble a small tail. This idea was influenced by the Latin word "cauda," meaning "tail," which was used to describe the coccyx. The term "tailbone" was initially used in the 15th century and was often associated with the medieval concept of the "tail of the backbone," which was believed to be a remnant of a vestigial tail. Over time, the term "tailbone" became a widely accepted term for the coccyx, despite the fact that humans do not have an actual tail. Today, the term is widely used in medical and anatomical contexts to refer to this small but important bony structure.

  • After falling off the swing, Sarah winced as she felt a sharp pain in her tailbone.

    Sau khi ngã khỏi xích đu, Sarah nhăn mặt vì cảm thấy đau nhói ở xương cụt.

  • The impact of the car accident left Mark with a bruised and tender tailbone.

    Hậu quả của vụ tai nạn xe hơi khiến xương cụt của Mark bị bầm tím và đau nhức.

  • Emma's tailbone ached as she struggled to stand up from her long day at work.

    Xương cụt của Emma đau nhức khi cô cố gắng đứng dậy sau một ngày dài làm việc.

  • The doctor advised Jack to avoid sitting for extended periods to prevent inflammation in his tailbone.

    Bác sĩ khuyên Jack tránh ngồi trong thời gian dài để tránh bị viêm xương cụt.

  • Michael's tailbone throbbed in agony as he lay down in bed at night.

    Xương cụt của Michael nhói lên đau đớn khi anh nằm trên giường vào ban đêm.

  • The yoga instructor warned Peter to avoid poses that put too much pressure on his tailbone.

    Người hướng dẫn yoga đã cảnh báo Peter tránh những tư thế gây quá nhiều áp lực lên xương cụt.

  • The cockpit chair in the airplane was uncomfortably hard on Chris' tailbone during the long flight.

    Ghế buồng lái trên máy bay gây khó chịu cho xương cụt của Chris trong suốt chuyến bay dài.

  • Linda massaged her husband's tailbone every night to ease his discomfort.

    Linda xoa bóp xương cụt cho chồng mỗi tối để làm giảm sự khó chịu của anh.

  • The gymnast's tailbone cracked during the landing of her dismount, causing her to wince in pain.

    Xương cụt của vận động viên thể dục dụng cụ bị gãy khi tiếp đất, khiến cô phải nhăn mặt vì đau đớn.

  • The elderly man winced as he felt a searing pain in his tailbone when getting out of his chair.

    Người đàn ông lớn tuổi nhăn mặt khi cảm thấy đau nhói ở xương cụt khi đứng dậy khỏi ghế.