Definition of rump


rùng mình


The origin of the word "rump" can be traced back to Middle English, a stage of the English language that was spoken and written during the 12th to 15th centuries. The Middle English word "rumpe" meant "a backside, buttocks." This word likely evolved from the Old English word "rumpan," which had a similar meaning. The exact origin of this Old English word is unknown, but some linguists believe it could be a combination of the Old English words "hrūm" (meaning "hump" or "morass") and "epan" (meaning "that one turns over"). The word "rump" has also been used figuratively to refer to a remaining portion of something that has been cut off or eliminated. For example, "a rump parliament" refers to a legislative body that has lost most of its powers. In modern English, the word "rump" is also used to refer to the portion of meat that comes from the rear end of an animal, particularly a beef or veal hindquarter. This usage of the word "rump" is a direct descendant of its original meaning, as the hindquarter of an animal does, of course, contain its rear end. Regardless of its many uses, "rump" is a word that will undoubtedly continue to be a part of the English language due to its long and proven history in English vocabulary.


the round area at the top of the back legs of an animal that has four legs

khu vực tròn ở đầu chân sau của động vật có bốn chân

  • He slapped the horse on the rump.

    Anh ta vỗ vào mông con ngựa.

a piece of good quality meat cut from the rump of a cow

một miếng thịt chất lượng tốt được cắt từ mông của một con bò

the part of the body that you sit on

phần cơ thể mà bạn ngồi lên

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the small or unimportant part of a group or an organization that remains when most of its members have left

phần nhỏ hoặc không quan trọng của một nhóm hoặc một tổ chức còn lại khi hầu hết các thành viên của nó đã rời đi

  • The election reduced the party to a rump.

    Cuộc bầu cử đã khiến đảng rơi vào tình trạng khó khăn.

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