Definition of sustainably


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The word "sustainably" has its roots in the Latin word "sustinere," which means "to hold up" or "to support." The term "sustainable" first appeared in the 17th century, referring to something that can be maintained or preserved over time. In the 1980s, the concept of sustainable development was born, coined by the World Commission on Environment and Development in its report "Our Common Future." The commission defined sustainable development as "meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." The word "sustainably" emerged as a variation of "sustainable" in the 1990s, particularly in the context of environmental and ecological practices. Today, "sustainably" is widely used to describe efforts to reduce environmental impact, conserve resources, and promote social equity.


in a way that uses natural products and energy without harming the environment, especially by replacing what has been used

theo cách sử dụng các sản phẩm và năng lượng tự nhiên mà không gây hại cho môi trường, đặc biệt là bằng cách thay thế những gì đã được sử dụng

  • The wood comes from sustainably managed forests.

    Gỗ có nguồn gốc từ rừng được quản lý bền vững.

in a way that can continue or be continued for a long time

theo cách có thể tiếp tục hoặc được tiếp tục trong một thời gian dài

  • a sustainably profitable business

    một doanh nghiệp có lợi nhuận bền vững