Definition of climate change

climate changenoun

biến đổi khí hậu

Definition of undefined

The term "climate change" has been around since the 19th century, but its meaning has evolved. Early usage referred to natural climate variations over time. In the late 20th century, the term gained prominence as scientists understood the impact of human activities on the Earth's climate. The term became associated with the anthropogenic greenhouse effect and its consequences, such as rising global temperatures, sea level rise, and extreme weather events. While "climate change" encompasses both natural and human-induced shifts, the current use often emphasizes the latter, highlighting the urgency of addressing the issue.


a change in global or regional climate patterns, in particular a change apparent from the mid to late 20th century onwards and attributed largely to the increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels.

sự thay đổi trong các mô hình khí hậu toàn cầu hoặc khu vực, đặc biệt là sự thay đổi rõ ràng từ giữa đến cuối thế kỷ 20 trở đi và phần lớn là do nồng độ carbon dioxide trong khí quyển tăng lên do sử dụng nhiên liệu hóa thạch.