Definition of supper


Bữa ăn tối


The word "supper" originated in the Middle English language during the 14th century. At that time, people consumed two main meals a day, typically breaking their fast ( breakfast ) in the morning and then having their main meal ( dinner ) around midday. As their energy waned later in the day, they would eat a smaller meal, which eventually became known as "supper" or "evensong." The origins of the word "supper" can be traced back to Old English and Old Norse languages, where "sopre" and "supir" referred to a drink or a small meal consumed in the evening. This usage became more widespread during the Middle English period, and the word "supper" began to be used more specifically to denote a light meal eaten before retiring for the night. The meaning of the word "supper" has evolved over time, however. In earlier centuries, it was often used interchangeably with the word "dinner," which at one point itself referred to a morning meal. As culinary tastes and traditions changed, the definition of "supper" became more specific, and it came to be associated more closely with meals that were less substantial than dinners and typically involved simpler, heartier fare. Today, the term "supper" is less commonly used except in certain contexts, such as when referring to the final religious service of the evening or to a formal dinner in certain traditions. In everyday speech, "dinner" is generally used to refer to the main meal eaten in the evening, while "supper" is a less frequently used alternative.

  • After a long day at work, Joanna looked forward to coming home to her husband and sitting down to a delicious supper.

    Sau một ngày dài làm việc, Joanna mong được trở về nhà với chồng và ngồi vào bàn ăn tối ngon lành.

  • They decided to have supper at the new Italian restaurant in town, and the food exceeded their expectations.

    Họ quyết định dùng bữa tối tại nhà hàng Ý mới trong thị trấn và đồ ăn ở đó vượt quá mong đợi của họ.

  • Sue's family always had a traditional Sunday supper, complete with roast beef and all the trimmings.

    Gia đình Sue luôn có bữa tối Chủ Nhật truyền thống, bao gồm thịt bò nướng và các món ăn kèm.

  • The couple often grabbed a quick supper at the local diner after a night out.

    Cặp đôi này thường ăn tối nhanh tại quán ăn địa phương sau một đêm đi chơi.

  • The family's supper time was a big occasion, with everyone taking turns setting the table and helping to prepare the food.

    Bữa tối của gia đình là một dịp trọng đại, mọi người thay phiên nhau dọn bàn và giúp chuẩn bị thức ăn.

  • The travelers arrived at the campsite just as supper was being served, and they gratefully joined in the communal meal.

    Những du khách đến khu cắm trại vừa đúng lúc bữa tối đang được phục vụ và họ vui vẻ tham gia bữa ăn chung.

  • Lena's vegetarian supper was a hit with her meat-loving husband, who couldn't believe how satisfying it was.

    Bữa tối chay của Lena được ông chồng thích ăn thịt của cô vô cùng yêu thích, anh không thể tin được là nó lại ngon đến vậy.

  • Sam and Sarah often had supper in front of the TV, catching up on their favorite shows.

    Sam và Sarah thường ăn tối trước TV để xem chương trình yêu thích của họ.

  • Tom's parents came to visit and were insistent on having supper with their son, despite his protests that he was busy.

    Bố mẹ Tom đến thăm và nhất quyết đòi ăn tối cùng con trai, mặc dù anh phản đối rằng mình đang bận.

  • Mary's hungry children begged for supper as soon as they walked in the door, and she obliged with a hearty meal to fill their bellies.

    Những đứa con đói của Mary đã nài nỉ xin ăn tối ngay khi chúng bước vào cửa, và cô đã chiều chuộng chúng bằng một bữa ăn thịnh soạn để lấp đầy bụng chúng.