Definition of supine


nằm ngửa


The word "supine" originates from the Latin word "supinus," which means "lying on one's back." This Latin word is derived from the verb "supinare," which means "to lie on one's back" or "to be prostrate." The word "supine" entered the English language in the 14th century and initially meant "lying on one's back" or "prostrate." Over time, the meaning of "supine" expanded to include figurative senses as well. In surgery, a patient who is supine is lying on their back. In mathematics, a supine matrix is the transpose of a matrix. In general, someone who is described as supine is seen as lazy, apathetic, or lacking energy. Today, the word "supine" is used in a variety of contexts, including anatomy, mathematics, and figurative language, and its original Latin meaning continues to influence its usage.


lying flat on your back

nằm ngửa

  • a supine position

    tư thế nằm ngửa

  • Clare remained supine, her eyes closed.

    Clare vẫn nằm ngửa, mắt nhắm nghiền.

Related words and phrases

not willing to act or disagree with somebody because you are lazy or morally weak

không sẵn sàng hành động hoặc không đồng ý với ai đó vì bạn lười biếng hoặc yếu đuối về mặt đạo đức

  • the supine attitude of some of our politicians

    thái độ bất cần của một số chính trị gia của chúng ta