Definition of stubbornness


sự bướng bỉnh


The word "stubbornness" originated from the 14th century Medieval English word "stubbernese", which meant "firmness" or " steadiness". It was derived from the Old English words "stubb" meaning "bole" or "pillar", and "nan" meaning "to resist" or "to hold firm". Over time, the meaning of "stubbornness" evolved to convey a sense of obstinacy, resistance to change, or refusal to yield. In the 15th century, the word took on a stronger connotation, implying a lack of willingness to listen to reason or compromise. Today, "stubbornness" is commonly used to describe someone who is unyielding in their opinions or actions, often to the point of being inflexible or obstinate.


determination not to change your opinion or attitude

quyết tâm không thay đổi quan điểm hoặc thái độ của bạn

  • I was committed to my plan out of sheer stubbornness.

    Tôi đã quyết tâm thực hiện kế hoạch của mình chỉ vì sự bướng bỉnh.

the fact of being difficult to deal with or get rid of

thực tế là khó để đối phó hoặc thoát khỏi

  • the stubbornness of the problem

    sự cứng đầu của vấn đề