Definition of stomp




The word "stomp" derived from the Dutch word "stop," which literally translates to "stop" or "standing still" in English. As the Dutch were significant traders and settlers in New York during the 17th century, it's believed that they likely introduced the term "stop" to English-speaking communities in the region. The word "stop" was used to describe a dance move in which a cluster of people would crowd and sway to the beat of the music without moving their feet. This dance style became popular in African American communities, and the word "stop" soon morphed into "stomp" in the vernacular. The first recorded use of the word "stomp" for a type of dance was in the 1930s, and it referred to an African American vernacular dance associated with vaudeville and later jazz music. The dance style usually involves rhythmic foot movements, syncopated hand claps, and vocalizations to create an energetic and lively performance. The word "stomp" has since spread beyond its dance origins and is now commonly used as a term for any style of noisy, demonstrative, or vigorous action. It can imply anything from dancing with fervor to destroying something intentionally. In summary, the word "stomp" derives from the Dutch word "stop," which was adapted by African American communities to describe a specific dance style over a century ago. Its evolution from a dance description to a more general term for energetic and excited movement has transformed the meaning of this once-niche term into a widely recognized part of the English lexicon.

  • The dancers crushed the stage with loud stomps and energetic moves.

    Các vũ công khuấy động sân khấu bằng những bước dậm chân mạnh mẽ và những động tác tràn đầy năng lượng.

  • She slammed her foot down on the gas pedal, causing the car's tires to stomp on the pavement.

    Cô ấy đạp mạnh chân ga khiến lốp xe dậm mạnh xuống mặt đường.

  • The entire crowd stomped and cheered as the band played their final encore.

    Toàn bộ đám đông đã nhảy múa và reo hò khi ban nhạc chơi phần encore cuối cùng của họ.

  • He stomped his feet frustratingly on the ground after missing the putt on the green.

    Anh ta dậm chân xuống đất một cách bực bội sau khi đánh trượt cú đánh trên bãi cỏ xanh.

  • The bugs scurried away as I stomped around in my boots, trying to scare them off.

    Lũ côn trùng chạy trốn khi tôi dậm chân trong đôi ủng, cố gắng dọa chúng đi.

  • The hikers' heavy footsteps created a rhythmic stomping that echoed throughout the mountainside.

    Những bước chân nặng nề của những người đi bộ đường dài tạo nên tiếng dậm chân có nhịp điệu vang vọng khắp sườn núi.

  • The horses galloped through the meadow, their hooves creating a thundering sound that stomped against the ground.

    Những chú ngựa phi nước đại qua đồng cỏ, tiếng vó ngựa tạo ra âm thanh như sấm rền dậm mạnh xuống đất.

  • The storm rolled in, and the wind whistled through the trees as raindrops stomped against the windows.

    Cơn bão kéo đến, gió rít qua những tán cây trong khi những giọt mưa đập mạnh vào cửa sổ.

  • The superhero's boots made a loud stomp as he leaped into the air towards the villain.

    Đôi giày của siêu anh hùng tạo ra tiếng dậm mạnh khi anh ta nhảy lên không trung về phía kẻ xấu.

  • The construction crew's heavy equipment stomped and roared as they worked on the new building's foundation.

    Các thiết bị hạng nặng của đội xây dựng dậm chân và gầm rú khi họ làm việc trên nền móng của tòa nhà mới.