Definition of spunk


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The word "spunk" has an interesting etymology! It originated in the mid-16th century from the Scottish word "spunk," which means "intestines" or "guts." However, over time, the meaning of the word evolved to refer to courage, pluck, or determination. This sense of spunk as bravery is thought to have arisen from the idea that one's "guts" were being poured into a particular endeavor, as if the person was putting their whole being into it. In the 19th century, the phrase "he's got spunk" emerged, which meant that someone was showing great courage or pluck. Today, the word "spunk" is often used to describe someone who is feisty, brave, or unafraid to take risks. Despite its humble origins, the word "spunk" has become a widely used and admired quality in many cultures.


courage; determination

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