Definition of spill




The word "spill" has an interesting origin that dates back to the Old English language. Its ancestral form, meaning "to let fall" or "release," was "spillan." This word descended from a Germanic root word, "spill-," which is believed to have referred to the act of pouring or letting something flow. The Old English word "spillan" eventually evolved into the Middle English word "spilleren," which also had the connotation of "to waste" or "spend." During the Middle English period, the verb "spill" also began to be used in a more figurative sense to refer to the act of letting something slip or escape, such as information or secrets. By the late medieval period, the verb had further evolved to encompass the meaning of "overflow or discharge," ultimately leading to its modern usage as a term to describe the accidental release of liquids or other substances from their intended containers or locations. Interestingly, the phrase "spill the beans" is also of English origin, dating back to the late 19th century. It is believed to refer to the times when beans were used as a type of counter in games, and revealing a secret was compared to accidentally "spilling" the beans and disrupting the game. In summary, the word "spill" has a rich linguistic history, evolving from its Old English roots to reflect a range of meanings associated with release, waste, and accidental discharge.


to flow over the edge of a container by accident; to make liquid do this

vô tình tràn qua mép thùng chứa; để làm cho chất lỏng làm điều này

  • Water had spilled out of the bucket onto the floor.

    Nước đã tràn ra khỏi xô xuống sàn.

  • The bag split, and sugar spilled everywhere.

    Chiếc túi rách ra, đường rơi vãi khắp nơi.

  • Light spilled from the windows.

    Ánh sáng tràn ra từ cửa sổ.

  • He opened the curtains, letting the morning light spill into the room.

    Anh mở rèm, để ánh sáng ban mai tràn vào phòng.

  • He startled her and made her spill her drink.

    Anh ta làm cô giật mình và bắt cô làm đổ đồ uống của mình.

  • Thousands of gallons of crude oil were spilled into the ocean.

    Hàng ngàn gallon dầu thô đã tràn ra biển.

  • I managed to carry three full glasses without spilling a drop.

    Tôi đã cố gắng mang theo ba ly đầy mà không làm đổ một giọt nào.

  • I accidentally spilled my drink all over him.

    Tôi vô tình làm đổ đồ uống của mình lên người anh ấy.

to come out of a place in large numbers and spread out

đi ra khỏi một nơi với số lượng lớn và lan ra

  • The doors opened and people spilled into the street.

    Cánh cửa mở ra và mọi người tràn ra đường.

  • After the clubs closed, the drinkers spilled out into the streets.

    Sau khi các câu lạc bộ đóng cửa, những người uống rượu tràn ra đường.


cry over spilt milk
to waste time worrying about something that has happened that you cannot do anything about
  • As the saying goes—it's no use crying over spilt milk.
  • spill the beans/tea
    (informal)to tell somebody something that should be kept secret or private
  • We don't want to spill the beans yet.
  • She made the mistake of spilling the tea on her sister's love life.
  • spill (somebody’s) blood
    (formal or literary)to kill or wound somebody
  • Nothing can justify spilling innocent blood.
  • spill your guts (to somebody)
    (North American English, informal)to tell somebody everything you know or feel about something, because you are upset
  • He has spilled his guts in his new autobiography.