Definition of smokescreen




The term "smokescreen" originated during World War I, when soldiers used smoke bombs to obscure their movements from enemy fire. The dense smoke created a visual barrier, much like a screen. The term quickly gained popularity and became a metaphor for any tactic used to confuse or mislead, often involving misinformation or a distraction. The term "smokescreen" has since evolved to encompass a wide range of situations where deception is used to hide something or someone.


something that you do or say in order to hide what you are really doing or intending

một cái gì đó mà bạn làm hoặc nói để che giấu những gì bạn đang thực sự làm hoặc có ý định

a cloud of smoke used to hide soldiers, ships, etc. during a battle

đám khói dùng để che giấu binh lính, tàu bè, v.v. trong trận chiến