Definition of sleeve


tay áo, ống tay


Definition of undefined

The word "sleeve" has a fascinating origin. In Old English, the word "sliopa" or "slēpe" referred to the act of slipping or sliding on a garment, particularly a outer covering or a cloak. Over time, the term evolved to describe the actual garment itself, primarily the sleeveless part of a shirt or a coat. The word "slēpe" is also related to the Old English verb "slīpan," meaning "to creep" or "to slide," which highlights the movement and flexibility associated with wearing a sleeve. In the 14th century, the term "sleeve" started to take on its modern meaning, referring specifically to the long, flexible part of a garment that covers the arm. Today, the word "sleeve" is widely used in languages worldwide to describe this essential component of a shirt, jacket, or other garments.


a part of a piece of clothing that covers all or part of your arm

một phần của quần áo che phủ toàn bộ hoặc một phần cánh tay của bạn

  • a dress with short/long sleeves

    một chiếc váy có tay áo ngắn/dài

  • Dan rolled up his sleeves and washed his hands.

    Dan xắn tay áo lên và rửa tay.

Extra examples:
  • I looked around to see who was tugging at my sleeve.

    Tôi nhìn quanh xem ai đang kéo tay áo mình.

  • It was sunny, and everyone was in short sleeves.

    Trời nắng và mọi người đều mặc áo ngắn tay.

  • There's tomato on your sleeve.

    Có cà chua trên tay áo của bạn.

Related words and phrases

having sleeves of the type mentioned

có tay áo thuộc loại được đề cập

  • a short-sleeved shirt

    Một chiếc áo sơ mi ngắn tay

a stiff paper cover for a record

một bìa giấy cứng để đựng hồ sơ

  • a colourful sleeve design

    một thiết kế tay áo đầy màu sắc

  • He designed record sleeves for the Rolling Stones.

    Anh ấy đã thiết kế tay áo thu âm cho Rolling Stones.

a tube that covers a part of a machine to protect it

một ống bao phủ một bộ phận của máy để bảo vệ nó


an ace up your sleeve
(informal)a secret advantage, for example a piece of information or a skill, that you are ready to use if you need to
have a card up your sleeve
to have an idea, a plan, etc. that will give you an advantage in a particular situation and that you keep secret until it is needed
have a trick, some more tricks, etc. up your sleeve
to have an idea, some plans, etc. that you keep ready to use if it becomes necessary
  • I have a few tricks up my sleeve.
  • have/keep something up your sleeve
    to keep a plan or an idea secret until you need to use it
  • Actually I do have a few ideas up my sleeve.
  • laugh up your sleeve (at somebody/something)
    (informal)to secretly think that something is funny
    roll up your sleeves
    to prepare to work or fight
    wear your heart on your sleeve
    to allow your feelings to be seen by other people
  • He’s not one to wear his heart on his sleeve.