Definition of skating


trượt băng


The word "skating" has a fascinating history. The term "skate" itself comes from the Old Dutch word "eschaeten," meaning "to slide on something smooth." This is derived from the Proto-Germanic word "*skhadiz," which is also the source of the Modern English word "slide." The verb "to skate" emerged in the 14th century, initially referring to the act of sliding or gliding on ice or snow. As the sport of skating evolved over time, the term "skating" became associated with the activity of gliding on ice or other smooth surfaces, often using skates fashioned from wood, bone, or metal. Today, "skating" encompasses various forms, including ice skating, inline skating, and recreational skating, but its roots remain firmly planted in the concept of sliding and gliding on smooth surfaces.


the sport or activity of moving on ice on skates

môn thể thao hoặc hoạt động di chuyển trên băng bằng giày trượt

  • to go skating

    đi trượt băng

  • We used to go skating on the lake in cold winters.

    Chúng tôi thường đi trượt băng trên hồ vào mùa đông lạnh giá.

  • some of the skating world’s leading choreographers

    một số biên đạo múa hàng đầu thế giới trượt băng

Related words and phrases

the activity of moving over the ground wearing roller skates (= a type of boot with two pairs of small wheels attached to the bottom)

hoạt động di chuyển trên mặt đất bằng giày trượt patin (= một loại giày có hai cặp bánh xe nhỏ gắn ở đáy)


be skating/walking on thin ice
to be taking a risk