Definition of ship


tàu, tàu thủy


Definition of undefined

The origin of the word "ship" is fascinating! The word "ship" has its roots in Old English and Germanic languages. It comes from the Proto-Germanic word "*skipiz" which was derived from the Proto-Indo-European root "*krep-" meaning "to creep" or "to bend". In Old English, the word "scip" referred to a vessel or a boat, and later developed into "ship" in Middle English. Interestingly, the word "ship" also has a figurative meaning, implying movement or progress: "to take in tow and propel a ship" corresponds to "to take and move a person in thought or effort". The evolution of the word "ship" reflects the maritime importance of seafaring and trade in ancient cultures, shaping the modern language we use today!


to leave the ship on which you are serving, without permission

rời khỏi con tàu mà bạn đang phục vụ mà không được phép

to leave an organization that you belong to, suddenly and unexpectedly

rời khỏi một tổ chức mà bạn thuộc về, đột ngột và bất ngờ


(like rats) deserting/leaving a sinking ship
(humorous, disapproving)used to talk about people who leave an organization, a company, etc. that is having difficulties, without caring about the people who are left
jump ship
to leave the ship on which you are serving, without permission
to leave an organization that you belong to, suddenly and unexpectedly
run a tight ship
to organize something in a very efficient way, controlling other people very closely
spoil the ship for a ha’p’orth/ha’pennyworth of tar
(saying)to cause something good to fail because you did not spend a small but necessary amount of money or time on a small but essential part of it