Definition of seismic


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The word "seismic" originates from the Greek word "seismos," which means "shaking" or "earthquake." This term was first used in the 15th century to describe the tremors and vibrations caused by earthquakes. Over time, the term expanded to include any sudden and rapid movement or disturbance in the Earth's surface, such as those caused by volcanic eruptions, landslides, or human activities like mining or drilling. In the 17th century, the term "seismology" was coined to describe the study of earthquakes and seismic activity. Today, the term "seismic" is used in a variety of scientific fields, including geology, seismology, engineering, and medicine, to describe the effects of vibrations and disturbances on the Earth's surface and inside the Earth.


connected with or caused by earthquakes

có liên quan đến hoặc do động đất gây ra

  • seismic waves

    sóng địa chấn

having a very great effect; of very great size

có tác dụng rất lớn; có kích thước rất lớn

  • a seismic shift in the political process

    một sự thay đổi địa chấn trong tiến trình chính trị