Definition of scum


cặn bã


The word "scum" has a fascinating history. The term originated in Old English as "scum" or "scuman," meaning foam or froth. This sense of the word was likely derived from the verb "scuman," which meant to foam or bubble. Over time, the meaning of "scum" expanded to include other connotations, such as the accumulation of impurities or worthless matter on a surface. In Middle English (circa 1100-1500), "scum" began to take on a derogatory sense, describing the lowest or most despicable elements of society. Today, "scum" is often used as a pejorative to describe someone or something considered vile or contemptible. Despite its negative connotations, the word "scum" is a direct descendant of the Old English words for foam and froth, and its original sense remains an intriguing footnote in the etymology of this versatile term.


a layer of bubbles or an unpleasant substance that forms on the surface of a liquid

một lớp bong bóng hoặc một chất khó chịu hình thành trên bề mặt chất lỏng

  • Skim off any scum.

    Vớt bỏ hết bọt.

  • stinking water covered by a thick green scum

    nước hôi thối phủ đầy bọt xanh dày

an offensive word for people who you think are very bad

một từ ngữ xúc phạm dành cho những người mà bạn nghĩ là rất tệ

  • Don't waste your sympathy on scum like that.

    Đừng lãng phí sự cảm thông của bạn vào những thứ cặn bã như thế.

  • Drug dealers are the scum of the earth (= the worst people there are).

    Những kẻ buôn ma túy là những kẻ cặn bã nhất trên trái đất (= những kẻ tồi tệ nhất).