Definition of savagely


dã man


"Savagely" originates from the Latin word "silvaticus," meaning "of the woods." The term "savage" evolved from this, referring to people living in a wild or uncivilized state, often associated with forests. This association carried into the Middle Ages, where "savage" became linked with brutality and ferocity, likely influenced by the portrayal of "barbarians" in classical literature. By the 16th century, "savage" took on its modern meaning, describing something done with extreme violence or ferocity. The word "savagely" followed suit, intensifying the action by emphasizing its brutal and uncontrolled nature.


in a violent and aggressive way that causes great harm

một cách bạo lực và hung hăng gây ra tác hại lớn

  • The man had been savagely beaten.

    Người đàn ông đã bị đánh đập dã man.

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in a way that involves very strong and aggressive criticism

theo cách liên quan đến sự chỉ trích rất mạnh mẽ và tích cực

  • savagely attacked/criticized

    bị tấn công/chỉ trích dã man

in an angry and aggressive way that shows strong feelings

một cách tức giận và hung hăng cho thấy cảm xúc mạnh mẽ

  • ‘No!’ he snarled savagely.

    ‘Không!’ anh gầm gừ một cách dã man.

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