Definition of ferociously


một cách hung dữ


The word "ferociously" has its roots in the Latin word "ferox," meaning "fierce" or "savage." This Latin term is also the source of the English word "fierce." The suffix "-ously" is a Latin-intensive suffix that forms an adverb, indicating the manner in which an action is performed. In the 15th century, the word "ferociously" emerged in English, initially as a borrowing from Latin. Over time, the word has evolved to retain its meaning of "in a fierce or savage manner." Today, "ferociously" is used to describe actions or behaviors that are wild, fierce, or uncontrolled.


in a way that is very aggressive or violent

theo cách rất hung hăng hoặc bạo lực

  • growling ferociously

    gầm gừ dữ dội

Related words and phrases

extremely; very strongly

cực kỳ; rất mạnh mẽ

  • ferociously intelligent/talented/bright

    cực kỳ thông minh/tài năng/sáng dạ