Definition of barbarously


một cách man rợ


The word "barbarously" has its roots in the ancient Greek phrase "barbaros être," which referred to the unintelligible or non-Greek-speaking languages and cultures of the world. The Greek word "barbaros" itself was derived from the sound of non-Greek languages, which to the Greeks seemed like "bar-bar-bar." Over time, the term "barbarous" developed to describe anything that was considered uncivilized or savage. In the early modern period, European travelers and colonizers used the term to describe the customs and practices of non-Western cultures that were unfamiliar or frightening to them. In the 17th century, the adverbial form "barbarously" emerged, meaning in a cruel, savage, or uncivilized manner. Today, the word "barbarously" is often used to describe violent, brutal, or inhumane behavior.


in a way that is very cruel and that shocks you

theo một cách rất tàn nhẫn và khiến bạn bị sốc

  • They had been barbarously murdered.

    Họ đã bị giết hại một cách dã man.

in a way that shows a lack of education or culture

theo cách cho thấy sự thiếu giáo dục hoặc văn hóa

  • a barbarously ugly town

    một thị trấn xấu xí man rợ