Definition of rusty


rỉ sét


The word "rusty" is derived from the Old Norse word "hrusta," which means "covered in rust." This term found its way into Middle English during the Norman Conquest, where it was used to describe iron objects that had oxidized due to exposure to moisture and air. As technology and industry advanced, the term "rusty" expanded to describe not only objects but also individuals, often signifying a loss of skill or knowledge due to disuse or neglect. In essence, "rusty" refers to something that has not been used or maintained for an extended period, leading to a deterioration in quality or performance. Today, the term "rusty" is commonly used in a variety of contexts, spanning from mechanical or industrial applications to figurative expressions that describe people or situations. Its wide-ranging use is a testament to the enduring relevance of this simple Old Norse word, more than a thousand years after its first recorded usage.


covered with rust

phủ đầy rỉ sét

  • rusty metal

    kim loại gỉ

  • a rusty old car

    một chiếc xe cũ rỉ sét

not as good as it used to be, because you have not been practising

không còn tốt như trước nữa vì bạn chưa luyện tập

  • My tennis is very rusty these days.

    Quần vợt của tôi những ngày này rất rỉ sét.

  • I haven't played the piano for ages—I may be a little rusty.

    Tôi đã không chơi piano lâu rồi—có lẽ tôi hơi yếu đuối.

  • My golf’s a bit rusty—I haven’t played for years!

    Sân gôn của tôi hơi cũ rồi—tôi đã không chơi nhiều năm rồi!

  • skills that grow rusty from disuse

    những kỹ năng ngày càng rỉ sét do không được sử dụng