Definition of ruinously


một cách tàn phá


The word "ruinously" has a fascinating history. It is an adverb that means causing destruction or damage, particularly in a violent or sudden manner. The word is derived from the noun "ruin," which refers to the state of being destroyed or completely destroyed. The verb "to ruin" dates back to Old English, which borrowed it from Latin "rudiare," meaning "to destroy" or "to reduce to ruin." The Latin word is derived from "rudere," which means "to be careless" or "to be reckless." The adverb "ruinously" emerged in the 15th century, eventually becoming a standard part of the English language. Today, it is widely used to describe situations where something has been destroyed, damaged, or severely affected in a sudden or violent manner.


in a way that costs a lot of money and more than you can afford

theo cách tốn kém rất nhiều tiền và nhiều hơn mức bạn có thể chi trả

  • ruinously expensive

    đắt kinh khủng

in a way that causes serious problems or damage

theo cách gây ra vấn đề nghiêm trọng hoặc thiệt hại

  • We are ruinously protective of our children.

    Chúng ta bảo vệ con cái mình một cách thái quá.