Definition of catastrophically


thảm khốc


The word "catastrophically" has its roots in the combination of two Greek words: "katastrophe" (κατάσ'=>"to bring down") and the suffix "-ically" (which forms an adverb). The term "catastrophe" originally meant "downfall" or "perishing", and referred to a sudden and disastrous event. In the 16th century, the adjective "catastrophic" emerged, meaning "of or relating to a catastrophe". Later, in the 18th century, the adverb "catastrophically" arose, meaning "in a catastrophic manner" or "in such a way as to cause a disaster". Today, the word "catastrophically" is widely used to describe an event or situation that has a severe and often irreversible impact, such as an ecological disaster or economic meltdown.


in a way that causes a lot of problems or makes people suffer

theo cách gây ra nhiều vấn đề hoặc làm cho mọi người đau khổ

  • The markets have failed catastrophically.

    Thị trường đã thất bại thảm hại.

very badly

rất tệ

  • catastrophically injured victims

    nạn nhân bị thương nặng

  • Things went catastrophically wrong.

    Mọi chuyện trở nên vô cùng tồi tệ.

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