Definition of reversibility


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The word "reversibility" originates from the Latin words "reversus," meaning "turned back," and the suffix "-ibility," which forms an adjective meaning "capable of being." Therefore, "reversibility" literally means "the quality of being able to be turned back" or "capable of being reversed." In scientific and philosophical contexts, the term "reversibility" typically refers to the possibility of reversing a process, such as a chemical reaction, a mechanical motion, or a physical transformation. In physics, reversibility is often used to describe the idealized concept of time-reversal symmetry, where a system can be reversed in time without any loss of energy or entropy. The word "reversibility" has been in use since the 17th century and has evolved to encompass a wide range of fields, including physics, chemistry, biology, and philosophy, where it is used to describe various concepts related to reversibility and reversibility constraints.


the fact that a piece of clothing, material, etc. can be turned inside out and worn or used with either side showing

thực tế là một mảnh quần áo, vật liệu, v.v. có thể lộn trái ra ngoài và mặc hoặc sử dụng với cả hai mặt đều lộ ra

the fact that a process, an action or a disease can be changed so that something returns to its original state or situation

thực tế là một quá trình, một hành động hoặc một căn bệnh có thể được thay đổi để một cái gì đó trở lại trạng thái hoặc tình huống ban đầu của nó

  • The proposals should consider the reversibility of environmental effects.

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