Definition of retry


thử lại


The word "retry" has its roots in Old French, where it was written as "reiter". This term was derived from the Latin words "re-" meaning "again" and "iter" meaning "journey" or "attempt". In English, the word "retry" has been in use since the 15th century and initially meant "to try again" or "to make another attempt". Over time, its meaning has expanded to include not just making another attempt, but also to start anew, redo something, or repeat a process after a failure or error. The word "retry" is commonly used in various contexts, including computing, sports, and everyday life, to indicate a renewed effort or attempt to succeed after a previous failure or setback.


to examine a person or case again in court

để thẩm vấn lại một người hoặc một vụ án tại tòa án

  • He was retried and executed.

    Ông đã bị xét xử lại và bị hành quyết.

  • They have decided to retry the case.

    Họ đã quyết định xét xử lại vụ án.

to make another attempt to do something, especially on a computer

thực hiện một nỗ lực khác để làm điều gì đó, đặc biệt là trên máy tính