Definition of reset


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The word "reset" has its roots in the 15th century. The verb "reset" originally meant "to set again" or "to put again in an original position." It came from the Old French word "resseter," which was derived from the Latin words "re" meaning "again" and "sedere" meaning "to sit" or "to settle." In the early 17th century, the word "reset" began to take on a mechanical connotation, referring to the process of adjusting or putting something back in its original position. This sense of the word was popularized by the development of clocks and other mechanical devices that needed to be periodically reset to maintain accuracy. Over time, the meaning of "reset" expanded to include a wide range of contexts, from computer programming to personal relationships. Today, the word "reset" is often used metaphorically to describe a fresh start or a return to a previous state.


to change a machine, an instrument or a control so that it gives a different time or number or is ready to use again

thay đổi một máy móc, một dụng cụ hoặc một bộ điều khiển để nó đưa ra thời gian hoặc số khác hoặc sẵn sàng để sử dụng lại

  • You need to reset your watch to local time.

    Bạn cần đặt lại đồng hồ của mình về giờ địa phương.

  • I’ve reset the heating to stay on all day.

    Tôi đã cài đặt lại hệ thống sưởi để bật cả ngày.

to place something in the correct position again

đặt lại cái gì đó vào đúng vị trí

  • to reset a broken bone

    để phục hồi lại xương bị gãy