Definition of repository




The word "repository" has its roots in Latin. The Latin word "repository" means "one who keeps or stores," and it is derived from the verb "repoitem", which means "to put or place back". This Latin term is a combination of "re" (meaning "back" or "again") and "poitem" (meaning "to put" or "to place"). In the 15th century, the Latin term "repository" was borrowed into Middle English, and it initially referred to a person or place where things were stored or kept. Over time, the meaning of the word expanded to include abstract concepts, such as a collection or storehouse of knowledge, ideas, or data. Today, a repository is often used in various contexts, including computer science, biology, and education, to refer to a depository or collection of information, data, or resources.


a place where something is stored in large quantities

một nơi mà một cái gì đó được lưu trữ với số lượng lớn

a person or book that is full of information

một người hoặc cuốn sách có đầy đủ thông tin

  • My father is a repository of family history.

    Cha tôi là một kho lưu trữ lịch sử gia đình.

  • The foundation is the largest repository of the artist’s work.

    Nền tảng là kho lưu trữ lớn nhất các tác phẩm của nghệ sĩ.

  • The site is near an underground repository for radioactive waste.

    Địa điểm này nằm gần một kho chứa chất thải phóng xạ dưới lòng đất.