Definition of repeatable


có thể lặp lại


The word "repeatable" has its roots in the 15th century. It is derived from the Latin words "re-" meaning "again" and "petere" meaning "to ask" or "to seek". In Latin, the phrase "repetere" meant "to ask again" or "to repeat". The English word "repeatable" first emerged in the 15th century as "repetable", which referred to something that could be asked or sought again. Over time, the spelling evolved to "repeatable", and it began to take on the meaning of something that could be repeated or done over again. Today, the word "repeatable" is used to describe an action, process, or experiment that can be performed multiple times with consistent results.


polite and not offensive

lịch sự và không gây khó chịu

  • His reply was not repeatable.

    Câu trả lời của ông không thể lặp lại.

that can be repeated

điều đó có thể được lặp lại

  • Are the results repeatable?

    Kết quả có thể lặp lại được không?