Definition of reorder


sắp xếp lại


"Reorder" is a combination of two parts: * **"Re-"**: This prefix means "again" or "back" and is derived from Old French "re-" and ultimately Latin "re-". * **"Order"**: This word comes from Old French "ordre," which itself comes from Latin "ordo," meaning "order" or "arrangement". Therefore, "reorder" essentially means "to order again" or "to arrange in a new order". The word has been used in English since the 15th century.


to ask somebody to supply you with more of a product

yêu cầu ai đó cung cấp cho bạn nhiều sản phẩm hơn

  • Please quote this reference number when reordering stock.

    Vui lòng trích dẫn số tham chiếu này khi sắp xếp lại hàng.

to change the order in which something is arranged

thay đổi thứ tự sắp xếp cái gì đó