Definition of reminiscence


hồi tưởng


The word "reminiscence" originated in the late 18th century from the French verb "réminiscencer," which meant "to remind" or "to call to mind again." The French word was formed by combining "re-," a prefix meaning "again" or "back," with "mnémosyne," the Greek goddess of memory. In Greek mythology, Mnemosyne was also known as the mother of the Muses, the nine goddesses associated with various aspects of artistic inspiration and intellectual pursuits. Her name derives from the Greek words "mnēme" (μνήμη), meaning "memory," and "syn" (σύν), meaning "together" or "with." The French term "réminiscencer" entered English in the late 18th century, often spelled as "rememiscence." Over time, its meaning evolved from "calling to mind again" to refer specifically to the subjective experience of remembering or thinking back on past events, feelings, or experiences. Today, the word "reminiscence" is commonly used in psychology, literature, and everyday conversation to describe the process by which we recall and reflect on our past.


a spoken or written description of something that somebody remembers about their past life

mô tả bằng lời nói hoặc bằng văn bản về điều gì đó mà ai đó nhớ về kiếp trước của họ

  • The book is a collection of his reminiscences about the actress.

    Cuốn sách là tập hợp những hồi tưởng của ông về nữ diễn viên.

  • reminiscences of a wartime childhood

    hoài niệm tuổi thơ thời chiến

Related words and phrases

the act of remembering things that happened in the past

hành động ghi nhớ những điều đã xảy ra trong quá khứ

  • The role of reminiscence in family history research should never be underestimated.

    Không bao giờ nên đánh giá thấp vai trò của hồi tưởng trong nghiên cứu lịch sử gia đình.

Related words and phrases

something that reminds you of something similar

một cái gì đó nhắc nhở bạn về một cái gì đó tương tự

  • Her music is full of reminiscences of African rhythms.

    Âm nhạc của cô mang đầy sự hồi tưởng về nhịp điệu châu Phi.