Definition of reformulation


sự tái cấu trúc


The word "reformulation" refers to the act of altering or revising a previously established system, process, or product in order to improve its effectiveness, efficiency, or suitability. The term is particularly commonly used in industries such as medicine, finance, and business, where it may refer to revised versions of existing medications, investment strategies, or business models, respectively. The concept of reformulation is rooted in the recognition that systems and products can become outdated or deficient over time, and that there is a need to continually refine and update them in response to changing circumstances and evolving needs.


the act of creating or preparing something again

hành động tạo ra hoặc chuẩn bị lại cái gì đó

  • the reformulation of party policy

    sự tái cấu trúc chính sách của đảng

the act of saying or expressing something in a different way

hành động nói hoặc diễn đạt điều gì đó theo một cách khác

  • a reformulation of the committee's recommendations

    một sự tái cấu trúc các khuyến nghị của ủy ban